Engine Services
Engine Rebuilding, Gas, Diesel, and Performance
Crankshaft Inspection, Grinding, Polishing, Straightening
Engine Block Cylinder Boring, Honing, Sleeving, Align Boring, Decking, and more
Magnaflux & Pressure Testing
Cylinder Head Rebuilding, and Resurfacing
Connecting Rod Reconditioning
Flywheel Grinding
Diesel Counter boring service- we can come to you and perform in the field
Jet and Hot Tank Cleaning
Featured Equipment
Rottler CNC Honing Machine-
This allows us to provide you with the straightest, roundest, most accurate finish possible for your cylinder bores, which in turn makes more power and extends engine life. We offer honing with torque plates for select models, providing even more accurate hones. We routinely check surface finish with a Mitutoyo Profilometer to insure our hones are within spec for optimum oil retention

Rottler CNC honing machine

Rottler CNC honing machine


Thank you for visiting CAR CITY ENGINE & MACHINE in Pensacola Florida. We assure you that we will always do our very best to exceed your expectations by providing the highest quality rebuilds, repairs, machine shop services and parts.
CAR CITY ENGINE & MACHINE is proud to be a family-owned and operated business. We have been providing premium parts and machine shop services for more than 50 years. Our talented staff has the industry knowledge and expertise necessary to find all the parts you’re looking for, while providing you with fair prices.
We sell reliable engines, parts and more, as well as provide comprehensive services to help with your engine rebuilding requirements.